Episode 03: What does it mean to be future indigenous?

with Joe Brewer

My next guest is Joe Brewer who will be sharing with us the stories of his life in Colombia and the magic that has been unfolding around him because of a renewed relationship with the land, not in a conceptual way, but a deep embodied way.  Joe is the author of The Design Pathway for Regenerating Earth and has been building an empowered community of practice called Earth Regenerators.  His background is extensive in earth sciences, linguistic framing and understanding how we create greater harmony with the earth.  His journey is an empowering one.  One of the things I love about Joe of many things is that he holds a deep belief in the future of humanity and in the innate goodness of people.

During our conversation he shared this powerful observation around healing.  Here he was thinking he was healing land that badly needed regeneration but what started happening was the earth was healing him.  This is the beauty of reciprocity.  Who is healing who?   One of the themes in Awakening Together that we like to explore is that there is an essential worldview shift underway that will make all the difference, a spiritual consciousness of connection and unity and deep knowing that life is yearning to be in greater more intimate relationship with us.  

Joe’s stories that unfold from his relationship with listening to the land and to healing himself are profound, like receiving messages directly from the land, to money showing up without effort to purchase the land, to profound healing for the indigenous people in Colombia living in the bioregion. The healing we are talking about here is the collective trauma of 100s of years of colonization.  This is in essence creating the ground for rewilding, out of being domesticated and colonized, we regain our freedom, our deeper sense of purpose, our higher capacities to see and listen and receive guidance and find joy.  This is when we know that we are standing in the wholeness of life and in right relationship.  Listen to the magic that is unfolding in Joe’s life.  It’s so palpable. I hope you enjoy the conversation.



Joe Brewer is the founder of Earth Regenerators. He has studied earth systems, complexity, and evolution in service to the future of life on our precious home planet. As an interdisciplinary scholar, he helped design educational offerings in Earth Systems, Environment & Society and participated in the founding of the Cultural Evolution Society. In the realm of social change, he worked with /TheRules to hack the global discourse on poverty and inequality. And as a father, he seeks to give his young daughter the opportunity to bring rivers back to life.


Bio:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/joe-brewer-4957925

Earth Regenerators:  https://earthregenerators.org/

Walking the Path of Regeneration:  https://medium.com/@joe_brewer/walking-the-path-of-regeneration-af56e6e54c0c

Birthing the Barichara Ecoversity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrMzQxxGqfo