Jamaica Stevens is the Co-Founder of Open Future Coalition, developing social, technological, and economic tools for systemic change. She is Author of “ReInhabiting the Village: CoCreating our Future”, focused on village ethics and regenerative principles for social transformation and ecological restoration and a consultant and designer with VillageLab. As a social architect, facilitator, storyteller, and seasoned event producer, she leverages cooperative processes, living systems principles, and transformative convenings to empower people, communities, and organizations to THRIVE as social ecosystems integrated as a part of a Living System. Like a mycorrhizal function in an ecosystem, Jamaica strategically connects nodes within networks, weaving webs of reciprocal value, strengthening the capacity for coordinating global movements of locally based Planetary Solutions.
Jeff Clearwater
A. Keala Young
Keala is a whole systems designer and regenerative practitioner with a background in the healing arts, pattern language and group facilitation.
Keala is a co-founder of Atlan Community near the Columbia River Gorge in Central Cascadia and serves as a Network Steward Circle member and Regional Liaison to the Global Ecovillage Network representing North America.
Keala is a co-steward of multiple emergent Participatory Commons explorations including with the Collaborative Technology Alliance.
What is the Metacrisis, Here and Here, and Why It Matters
Pattern Language, What it is, Legacy of Christopher Alexander
Group Pattern Language - great tool for groups (and fun too)
Principles of the Commons, Prosocial Commons, Prosocial World
Story of Separation, Charles Eisenstein, video, book chapter
Regenerative Footprint
7 Core Needs, part of Eco-Governance Framework
Commons - Elinor Ostrom, David Bollier, Michel Bauwens
Rights of Nature Movement
Kinship Worldview, video and book
Sociocracy, Sociocracy For All, Sociocracy 3.0: Evolve Effective Collaboration
Compassionate Listening Project, Thich Nhat Hahn on Compassionate Listening