Episode 13: Empowering Artists for Cultural Transformation

with Raamayan Ananda

The role of the artist in culture has long been a central theme and when explored brings us to new insights into who we are as a people.  It also invites us to inquire into how we cultivate greater creativity globally.  We know this is foundational for a culture in crisis.  Without a vision, the people will perish.  When we look at how we have been neglecting this creative lifeblood in our educational system in the United States and many other ways, we can understand the necessity for finding new pathways to support the creator culture and the artist in our world.  I believe that we are all born creative and it is a God-given aspect of our nature.  So how we create spaces and systems of support for the creative voice and our emerging expressive capacities will determine the future health of our country and the world.  We will explore this and more in our conversation with Raamayan Ananda who is a mystic-preneur musician poet-author and perfectly poised to share his wisdom with us.  What I find inspiring about being with Raamayan and receiving his transmission offerings is that he takes everything up a notch; he does not stay at the current level of systems design or cultural innovation and evolution.  Feel the expansion of the realm of possibility.

Diving into the role of creativity reimagined, you’ll get the embodied sense of why artists are the “unacknowledged legislators of our time” and what happens when we become more visible and the structures, our enabling structures for our own creativity and our community building begin to take root as the new social DNA.  Ultimately, we can imagine how this supports us learning and experimenting with how we can coordinate locally to learn how to coordinate globally.

From Raamayan’s spiritual catalyst roots to getting down into systems thinking, he brings through some wonderful insights into what it is that calls us forth into our dharma, our higher shared purpose, and does so by bringing to us a beautiful upgrade of DAOs as a system architecture.  From DAOs to Dharmically Aligned Organisms.  There’s so much encoded in that - there's your dharma, your purpose, then there’s the alignment (beyond agreement), then the living systems, bringing in the power of the natural world as the ultimate teacher.  In this conversation, we’ll go behind the structure and stories of DAOs into the deeper inquiry around what are we learning as humanity, what are we experimenting with, why do we need to be experimenting, and what is necessary for us to learn.  

One of the main things that I love about speaking with Raamayan is to notice how he’s weaving together art, media, culture and ‘spiritual unfoldment’ as a prerequisite for cultural evolution.  This is wholeness at its best.  How do we know ourselves even more deeply and our purpose in the world to catalyze culture to its next levels - the heart of community building and freedom.  When we take that combined with alignment, not where we all have to agree, but we have alignment around our principles and values and that alignment is around the common good, we find ourselves in new territory worthy of exploration. I really value exploring how this is the new training ground for humanity, and identifying the need for these kinds of communities of practice, training grounds and dojos.  

Because what would an inspiring conversation be without our lived practice, in the closing we’ll hear about the power and beauty of Raamayan’s morning practice and then we close with a song.  This is a very special dialogue.  Please do join us and enjoy the process.  

As always we welcome your participation, comments, likes, and sharing.  This is a small growing community everyone who is here and listening.  Soon we’ll be opening up some more participatory spaces. 



Raamayan Ananda is a Mysticpreneur Musician, Poet, Author and Yogi, Founder of Creation - The Virtual Experience And Media Engine. Developing technologies that power the future of Collective Media and the Experience Economy. Creation is Community Engagement Platform built to turn "Fans" into "Family"


Themes we explore:

  • What was the catalyst for his spiritual journey

  • Exploring the highest value of freedom

  • The role of the artist in cultural transformation

  • The role of technology in uplifting art and culture

  • Building a new kind of creator network - creator DAOs

  • What is a Dharmically Aligned Organism

  • Paying attention to multipolar traps as we learn how to coordinate better

  • The Power of DAOs and the challenge of DAOs

  • Learning about governance as a key aspect of DAOs

  • Needing to design incentives for participation in learning as part of the new architectures; paying people to learn how to play with these tools.

  • Discussing the biggest coordination problem for DAOs

  • Why would you want to participate in a DAO?

  • Experimenting and learning how nature operates so society can function more seamlessly

  • Cooperation and competition symbiosis

  • Why spiritual unfoldment is a prerequisite for cultural evolution

  • Know yourself and your purpose in the world

  • What’s needed to catalyze culture to its next level

  • Exploring structures that create alignment for the common good

  • Charters, constitutions, common ground - finding alignment 

  • The new locus of power and how our emerging Web3 technologies can enable it

  • The need for the emergence of a new kind of collective commons for collective power

  • Why we need the first phase of training in these structures for coordination

  • The new training ground for humanity

  • Using our privilege well to create aligned coordination architectures to serve all life

  • Role of the artist in culture

  • Fred Polak’s seminal work in Image of the Future

  • Insights around the one causal factor to shift the world from the dark ages to the Renaissance - “A small group of people at the edge of culture holding a sufficiently coherent positive image of the future.” Fred Polak

  • Hearing about the beta launch of Creation.Space (the rebrand of Veme)

  • The power and necessity of morning practice - simple and profound

  • Closing with a song, Hari Om (Home)