Welcome to the next episode of Awakening Together with my guest Dr. Anita Sanchez.
Have you ever wondered what indigenous wisdom means and why it might be closer to perennial wisdom than we imagine? Let’s explore this together.
What I love about this conversation is that we dive straight in and bypass the superficial altogether. My hope is that our words activate and support you in your own learning and growth process. Because the meme ‘indigenous thinking will save the world’ is very popular these days, it’s important to ask, what does it mean to be indigenous. One definition might be that you have a direct path to the original instructions given to your ancestors, that you are still listening to nature and the wisdom of life’s living systems all around you, you remember you are one. In this way, the indigenous are those people who never left being stewards of the deepest connection with life and they are honor bound to share these ways of being with their family and community. In this way 7 generations is not just a brand, but it is a way of being in right relationship with all life. Given this, and one that can embrace us in hope, we are all indigenous.
In the 90’s, I remember hearing John Trudell, American Indian Movement activist and artist, say, “we are all indigenous.” It stopped me in my tracks and dropped me into a still point of inquiry about belonging and wholeness, because I wanted to understand why I didn’t feel that I was indigenous even though I was producing this event with him on his Spoken Word tour and I had gained the reputation for being a white journalist who could be trusted by native people’s. In truth, I had simply forgotten my indigenous roots and the golden thread connecting me had been broken. But now it could be restored. If we go back far enough we all can find those roots and connections. Even so, it is a blessing to have this wisdom so readily available through our indigenous brothers and sisters. As you’ll see in this conversation with Anita, we have the opportunity to step into her life and to feel the truth and richness of her lineage.
Who is Anita? Anita is Aztec and Mexican American and she is a transformational leadership consultant, speaker, coach, and a podcast host. She is also the author of seven books including The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times. She bridges indigenous teachings with the latest science to inspire people to live meaningful, empowered lives while caring for the earth and each other. I feel grateful to have met Anita in the intimate and inspiring space of the Earthwise Tipping Point System Wisdom Collaboratory. We are now involved as being Stewards of the Earthwise Constitution for a Planetary Civilization.
We begin our conversation in prayer and fully drop into the sacred. What is the sacred but a sense of intimate authentic belonging with life starting with ourselves and with each other. As we explore in this conversation, I invite you to keep your heart and mind and will open and feel how you are participating in this beautiful hoop of life and how we’re doing it together. No matter what we’re going through, we can lean on each other and shine light on each other even in the darkest times. That message is needed now more than ever because we’re all seeking a deeper embodiment of hope that’s not just conceptual but we can feel in our blood, our bones, and our bodies.
This is a transmission more than a conversation and I hope it is as nourishing to you as it is to me because this is about wisdom and how each of us can be embodying greater wisdom and more of our potential. To do so we need to be exploring and being in inquiry around our worldviews and our assumptions because the time of prophecies is now and each of us has the opportunity to become a vessel for the original instructions of life and to awaken together. May you enjoy this conversation about embodying indigenous wisdom with myself and Dr. Anita Sanchez.